Paula Jane Remlinger: Rhyme Crimes – What Makes Good Children’s Poetry?

Paula Jane and cat

Paula Jane Remlinger. And cat, Dickens.

On June 19, 2015, Paula Jane Remlinger gave a talk about writing good poetry for children. Paula Jane says:

We’ve all read Shel Silverstein, Sheree Fitch, and other children’s writers that we want to be because they have such a way with words. How do they do that? How is writing for children different (and the same) as writing for adults? I will talk about what works and what doesn’t in children’s poetry.

If you missed the talk, or would like to see it again, you can now watch it on Youtube! (Unfortunately, the first 1 minute and 54 seconds are just static. Move past that and you will be able to hear it all well. Sorry.)


Paula Jane Remlinger has a M.A. in English (poetry) from the University of Saskatchewan and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia, as well as other degrees. She writes poetry for all ages, short stories and science fiction, and is working on a children’s picture book. You can learn more about Paula Jane at the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild website.

This event was sponsored by the Saskatchewan Writers Guild through their Writers Groups Grants.

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